Thursday, October 4, 2007

U can see a lot of better movies. - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

whoever thing this is good well i disagree. I actually fell asleep through it. CAN U SAY BORING!!!!!!!!!! ther is no reason why this movie was made. I didnt see the second one but i have not seen it and im going to keep it like that. Save ur monny. Dont see it.

Tard of the rings! stupid! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

TORTURED FOR 3 HOURS! I don't know what the deal is with people loving this movie. I see no appeal whatsoever. It's just stupid to me. I felt like I was being tortured for the whole movie. It wouldn't end. The neverending Tard of the Rings!!!!!!!!!!

Another one line review. - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

This movie is all about weed, it starts out when Gandolf, a pothead extrodinaire, goes to get some stash from his best bud: Bilbo Baggins who busts out the 'good stuff'' - "Old Toby" which gives Gandolf the uncanny ability to blow method smoke into the form of a pirate ship, it's frikin' incredible and the best special effect since Killer flew in Half Baked, on his way out after Bilbo's cess bash Gandolf gets bothered by his enemies: Sauroman and Sauron who don't smoke the ganga and make fun of him for being under the influence of the 'halfling leaf', so Gandolf gets his buds and his buds... and goes in search of this guy called Gollum who is a total crack head, when Gandolf's friend Frodo meets Gollum and Sauroman's bad guys they fight and the team is broken up, but don't worry there is a part two.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The lord of the screen - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I tried to read the book and could not get myself into it. I found that they deleted a character which I thought was funny but movies have to do that to singing and neakedness if you know what I mean. But the fact that I was one hundred and fifty pages into the book and they were still wondering the forest I found myself loving the movie more. I like to read but I just could not get into that one. Maybe when I see all three I might recindle my reading of this. But when I have a movie that touches so close to the book I think it can waite. I did read the book and underline lines that they took stright from the book and I love that. From what I read and saw the LOTR did get it right close to the words on that page. I love the prolog to the movie. I love the whole ring poem thing that was said. I like the Elf-Ligous? I like Elfs there cool. Bow and Arrows they are painfull and a awsome wepon. though they are not as dull as a spoon as one character from a movie would point out.(Prince of theives). I like this movie and the idea of it and the bigness of it. I would see it again. I might not own it but I would see it again. In fact I think I saw it twice at the theater. Awsome I am. Awsome.

It is the greatest movie - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring is a great movie. It has good view. Me, my family, and my friends are like it very much. Eventough the actors are not very famous but their acting very good. What did they do, are very maximum in this movie. And the director, Peter Jackson is very good to handle this movie. I think that's all.

Can you say boring?! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I heard all the hype about LOTR, so, when the DVD came out, I HAD to rent it. After watching it for the first time, I spent the next hour throwing up. I couldn't understand a thing they were saying, it took too long, and made me fall asleep after I'd drank about 3 cups of coffee. Lucky for me, my friends LOVE LOTR. After watching it ANOTHER 3 times with them, I basically had a nervous breakdown. Save your nerves, people. DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE!

Monday, October 1, 2007

George lucas should see this - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I was never a big fan of the books. We had to read them in high school. But seeing the creatures on screen works alot better for me personally. This is the new Star Wars for the 21st century. I only hope George Lucas is paying attention.

Wonderful from beginning to end - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

No movie is more visually appealing and beautiful than this one. It is carefully directed and intelligently written. The cast was smartly selected, and the acting is wonderful. The beautiful song by Enya at the end fit perfectly.

Excellent but the next two will be even better - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

The Fellowship of the Ring was outstanding but when I saw The Two Towers I liked it better. Then, when I saw the Return of the King, I fell in love with it. The Fellowship is a must see. Ol Pete Jackson has unleashed an unexplainable movie that is great for all ages above 9 or 10.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The beginning of the best trilogy of all time - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

There are not enough good things that I can say about The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. It is a masterwork on all levels. The sets, costumes, visual effects, acting, musical score, direction, and story all please me immensely. It's just about as close to a flawless film as you can get. It's not as good as the final installment, The Return of the King, but it's better than the second volume, The Two Towers. We all know the story: Frodo has to take the One Ring to Mordor where the Shadows lie to throw it into Mount Doom so it will be destroyed and Sauron won't regain the evil he once wielded. Well, this could turn out to be a very silly story, but fortunetely, it doesn't. It truns out very well, adventurous, rousing, and entertaining. The film is also quite moving, some scenes nearly brought tears to my eyes, mainly because of great performances by Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Bean, Sean Astin, and Cate Blanchett. Some said that there were too many characters that we were introduced to and that we didn't get to know them well enough. Well, I completely disagree. Yes, there is a very large assortment of characters, but just watch it with all of your attention and you'll get it down what they all are and what their prupose is. There are parts where the film drags, such as in the woods of Lothlorien, but when I thought that part might have been dragging, I just took a look at the amazing sets or the costumes and admired the hard work put into them. This is most liekly the most ambitious project ever made in cinema history. So many different sets, costumes, visual effects, weapons, characters, and wonderful performances were put into this film, but in the end it all comes down to one man. Peter Jackson, who could have made this project a burden, just as the Ring is to Frodo, but he doesn't. He enjoyed making these films, it's his life's work, he'll treasure it forever. I cannot thank him enough. The Fellowship of the Ring should have swept the Oscars, but it didn't. But I'm glad The Return of the King did so, it was like FOTR's vengeance or something. If you haven't seen this yet, make sure you do, NOW!!!

Probably my favourite of the three - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Having seen all 3 movies now, I think this one was my favourite. It was the most light hearted and funny. There were certain things that I wish they hadn't done(like the Galadriel demon scene) but other than that, this movie is flawless.

Excellent! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

This movie was incredible! This movie has something for fans of every genre! Action: Well, there is lots of this. Drama: There are a few sad parts, some peoples die. Romance: between the man and the elf. Scary: Well, not really scary but the hooded guys are kinda freaky. Fantasy: Well it all falls under that genre. All in all this movie is great!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

It was excellent: alex mittelman reviews... - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Alex Mittelman reviews: I thought it was GREAT... One of the best movies I have ever seen. I wish they would come out with number #4. Only a number three though. That was all the books. DEFINITLY worth your money... you WILL NOT be bored, very exciting, you can watch it again and again and again. Great graphix. Great visuals. Best visuals I have ever seen. Good sound and GREAT music!!! Go rent on video even if you have seen it in the theaters!!! {[Review by Alexander Halden Mittelman]} {[ Action/Adventure and Drama 2 hrs. 58 min. Set in mythic Middle Earth, a young hobbit named Frodo Baggins inherits a magic ring from his elderly cousin Bilbo. The dark Lord Sauron lusts for the powers that the magic ring holds, knowing it will enable him to enslave the people of land. In his effort to thwart Sauron, Frodo recruits the fellowship of a wizard, an elf, a dwarf and others on a mission to destroy the ring by casting it into the volcanic fires in the Crack of Doom. However, the ring unleashes its own power as a result of the struggle.... Release Date: December 19, 2001 Nationwide. MPAA Rating: PG-13 for epic battle sequences and some scary images. Distributor: New Line Cinema

Lotr is underminded - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

LOTR is great, but people think it is a dungeons and dragons nerd movie. One thing... it got 13 oscar nods (including best picture best director best suppoeritn actor, and best adapted screenplay.) It is one of the best fatansies, and movies ever made

Masterful epic - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Based on the popular novel by J.R.R. Tolkien, one of the more anticipated films of the year (if not the most) finally makes it to the big screen, and even with all the hype surrounding it, ?The Lord of the Rings? is nothing short of amazing. It is a grand movie of epic proportions that will no doubtingly join the likes of ?Raiders of the Lost Ark? and ?Star Wars? in the non-independent film Pantheon. Set in the mythical land of Middle Earth, in an era of goblins and wizards, the evil Lord Sauron and his dark forces once again threaten to rule all. The fate of the world relies on who possesses the one ring, which holds unspeakable power and might. It was Lord Sauron who created the ring out of the fiery depths of Doom Mountain years and years ago, but it was during a history-altering battle where Lord Sauron was killed that the ring changed hands. Because the ring is evil by nature, greed and hatred overcomes the new bearers. Wars were waged to get the ring, and consequently, the ring was lost. The threat of Sauron seemed to have been extinguished?that is until the day the ring was found. The ring beckons the spirit of Lord Sauron, and the alliance opposing Sauron realizes that the only way to defeat him and his forces is to destroy it. The ring is entrusted to a hobbit, Frodo Baggins (Elijah Wood), and along with a group comprising of elves, dwarves, hobbits, humans and a wizard, a fellowship of nine is created. They have the daunting task of taking the ring back to Doom Mountain, for it is only there that the ring can be destroyed once and for all. From the dark underworlds through the rugged snowcapped mountains, the Fellowship of the Ring will battle evil and prevent Sauron from taking over Middle Earth. ?The Fellowship of the Ring? is indeed the true embodiment of what a ?Hollywood? movie is set out to be. It takes you to another time and place, with state of the art visuals and effects, an engrossing story, awe inspiring adventure and a genuine sense of gravity. We have gotten a lot of these qualities from other recent blockbusters, but it is the last one that really won me over. A lot of times movies will have this ?end of the world? theme to it, but it doesn?t quite capture the essence of the situation?s severity. The action is limited to only a handful of players, and the rest of the world doesn?t even seem to be aware that anything is wrong, as seen in ?Armageddon? or ?Tomb Raider?. This is what elevates ?The Fellowship of the Ring? from the rest. The film captures the significance of what is happening and almost reaches the same epic levels as those of Roman mythology or the Biblical tales of The Ten Plagues, The Great Flood and such. ?The Fellowship of the Ring? is a work of fiction that seems authentically real. Just like ?Star Wars?, ?The Fellowship of the Ring? is the first installment of a forthcoming trilogy, which means it will be the slowest of the three. Characters will need to be introduced, situations to be situated and at almost three hours, it takes its time to do all these. The first half presents all the background information we need, and the adventure doesn?t actually begin until the second half. Some will find the movie slow, especially children. I had this one kid about seven years old sitting next to me who kept fidgeting through most of the film. However, it is very crucial to have a careful introduction to the story, and rushing it would have been a mistake. This is the ?Harry Potter? for the older crowd. ?The Fellowship of the Ring? is far from being perfect, however. There were scenes that irked me for being a bit excessive or melodramatic. Take for example the scenes with Cate Blanchett, who plays the elfin Galadriel. The soft light used on her is just overly done, and Blanchett is reduced to a mere white blur on the screen. Or the unnecessary melodramatics of a near-drowning towards the end of the film. The movie could have done away with these, but they are very minor quibbles when one looks at the overall picture. The sense of adventure that we get from watching the movie can hardly be surpassed by any other. I admit that I am not the biggest fan when it comes to the realm of goblins and ogres (except maybe for an occasional game of ?Magic the Gathering?), but one does not need to be into Dungeon?s and Dragons to get into the movie at all. ?The Fellowship of the Ring? does not disappoint when it comes to action and emotion. In a year fraught with misses, ?Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring? hits the mark. No need for reverse story telling. No need for a bizarre nightmare through the streets of Los Angeles. No need for a cutesy green ogre. With a solid cast and an engrossing adventure, this is definitely the best movie of the year. It has been a long while since I have picked a ?Hollywood? movie to be the best of the year, but ?Fellowship of the Ring? deserves it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The fellowship of the ring - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Before there was J.K. and her bespeckled wizard Harry, there was J.R.R. and his Hobbit Frodo. Director Peter Jackson does a splendid job of taking the first book of Tolkien's trilogy and translating it into a Herculean film epic that runs rings around its fantasy predecessors. In short, the story centers around pint-size Frodo (played by a wonderfully wide-eyed Elijah Wood), who must leave his safe village to destroy an evil, all-powerful ring by throwing it into a foreboding volcanic mountain. And all the while, he's hunted by some of the scariest black horsemen to ever stampede across a screen. The lengthy story's nipped and tucked without missing any meat (it's still two hours and forty-five minutes!), it's marvelously dark and dense and the special effects would give Wizard Gandalf a run for his money. Be prepared, though: The first installment ends in the biggest cliffhanger of the year. But that just makes next year's already filmed return to Middle Earth all the more eagerly anticipated.

An epic classic - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I have to admit the first time I saw this movie I didn't think too highly of it. Maybe because I was expecting something the usual Hollywood garbage. After watching it a few times I really came to appreciate the land of Middle Earth and all of its inhabitants. Peter Jackson does an amazing job directing this film. Every time I watch it I notice something different. The world he adapts from the novels is so grand in scale and so intricate in detail that it is difficult to take it in all at once. It reminds me of the original Star Wars movies in this way. I wouldn't feel right reviewing a movie without some type of critique, so if I have to I will say some of the fighting with the orcs gets repetitive. Everything else is just amazing though. Direction, visuals, acting, story, character development, scene sequencing, music, costumes - they all reflect an unwavering commitment to quality and authenticity from the cast and crew. J.R.R. Tolkien would be proud.

The first adventure - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

This was the first adventure into one of the greatest trilogies of all time. And it proved it's worth. Just think, if this was a dud, how would "The Two Towers" and "The Return of the King" have done?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

D - for dumb humor - Wedding Crashers Reviews

I am simply let down everytime I get talked into going to an american made comedy. Who's rating these comedy movies... post pubescent boys and girls? I guess if you think bare breasted women, stupid cliches' and just plain dumb writing is funny... more power to you. I'll stick to the foreign comedies, until Hollywood can produce something more funny than this type of garbage.

This movie blew me away - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

When I went to see thid movie with my dad, I was going out of kindness and the fact that Elijah Wood was in it. When the movie was over, I was blown away. it was amazing. I think the actors were amazing! The visuals amazing! The time and effort put into this movie was tremendous. I cannot wait for the next movies to come out.

Lord of the ring - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Me gusto mucho los efectos especiales , la produccion la historia, los actores el maquillaje.En jeneral las dos produciones que hevisto me han gustado mucho Felicitaciones al equipo de produccion,actores y en jeneral a ese gran equipo humano que hiso pocible apreciar tan buenas producciones.Edgar

Truly brilliant is the word.. - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

This is the greatest movie, I've ever seen in my whole life. It's truly magnificent and magic. Really great actors and Peter Jackson directed great. The movie really makes you caught your breath. It's so explosive and splendid..there's nothing bad to say about it. I think that P J practically sticked with the book on most part and he did a spectacular job with the movie, not too mention all the specialeffects. This is the movie that truly should have earn many oscars and it will always be remembered as one of the greatest movie through time. See it. You don't wanna miss it. Brilliant!! =)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The magic of middle earth - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Initially, I was prepared to be disappointed when we walked into the theatre.Who could possibly dare make a movie on the Greatest Fantasy Epic of all time and do it well? I was swept away into Middle Earth as soon as it began.I laughed, I cried, I marveled at the beautiful scenery,and it captured everything I "felt" when I read Tolkien's books.It was simply brilliant in it's telling, as it was broad in it's scope.This movie is filled with marvels, strange terrors, and extraordinary characters on a heroic quest.I cannot imagine a more wonderful Christamas present.I thank Peter Jackson, the cast, and the entire crew for a job well done. God Bless You All!

Yu-kai's review on fellowship of the ring(82 pts) - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I believe I should explain my reasoning for not liking this movie fast before everyone tries to burn me. I understand what is great about this movie, but it does not mean we can neglect the little things that they do wrong. LOTR is the most famous movie with the most glitches I have ever seen. I understand that making a fantasy movie like this is not easy to be glitch free, but there's too many. I have only seen the first part, the big battle of the 2nd part, and I decided no to watch the whole one and the third part. Since what's good about this movie is found everywhere, I'll just talk about why I don't like it. I'll include the parts I've seen on the 2nd one too since it's convinient to do so. First lets give some point values: Video: 92 Audio: 90 Scenes: 92 General Plot: 87 Specific Plot: 83 Intensity: 82 Consistency: 88 Glitches: -12 As you seen all the stuff are pretty solid. The only thing I can pick out of the movie, besides the glitches is the slow pace. The movie doesn't seem to have a fast pace, and with 3 hours of this, you get quite tired watching it. Yea, I'll get to the point, what are all the glitches that I am talking about? Well, first, glitches are more oftenly seen the 2nd time watching the movie, I have only seen it once, so ones I didn't identify doesn't mean it's not there. But I can already tell you a plethora of it: 1. During the first part, there was a place where the big fire devil(pardon me for not remembering much names, I'm not aquainted to Tolkiens' book and only seen the movie once. But one should not let the book influence rating on the movie) was chasing the fellowship. They were running on the stairs and the place is so crappy that their weight made the stairs fall down. If those little guys can make the stairs fall down, HOW IN THE WORLD DOES THAT FIRE DEVIL RUN AROUND AND CHASE THEM!???? Oh, maybe he can fly...but wait! He fell down with Gandolf! He can't fly, he just magically appeared to catch up to everyone. It looked more like a video game to me at that part where you keep running in one direction and someone is chasing you and will never catch you, when you finish the level, he catches up and you have to fight the boss....^^|| 2. Wraiths suck!!! From the description in the movie, wraithes are described as super powerful beings. There's 9 of them in the world and it seems like each one of them and defeat a thousand men. What I saw in the movie is.... The only thing they do is ride horse and scare short people. They are afraid of fire, they are afraid of water. 6 of them were trying to kill Frodo and 1 human with a torch scared them away.... I don't know what kind of definition of suck would you use, but they suck. My friends told me they're better in the book; the book doesn't count in the movie. My friends also said: "What makes them so powerful is that they can't die! You just can't kill them! Anything that can't die is scary and powerful..." Then i bring up my favorite analogy. You've played Super Mario 3 right? In it there's this skeleton turtle that when you step on it, it turns into bones and then it revives. Even though they can't die, THEY STILL SUCK! They have no threat. (I know you can find ways to kill them, but not my point). Anyways, the wraiths suck. Then my friend told me in the 2nd and 3rd one they become more powerful, and I said "Good! That's more like it!" But then I discovered they are more powerful just because they are riding on dragons!!!! Oh yea...I I heard one or some died because the girl stabbed a dagger in them.......point made. 3. The fact that the elf guy constantly have like 8 arrows left all the time and has time (explained in the book....) to pick them all back when surrounded by thousands of orc is just a little glitch. 4. The Dramatic place where the Dark Lord got his finger chopped off, starting the whole thing is kinda dumb. The human had a broken sword, he hit the dark lord's finger. The dark lord loses all the power and dies... This doens't make sense. The dark lord has all his powers, perhaps because the rings fulls his body with energy. The guy slashes at the dark lord, his finger, close to the ring, is suppose to be one of the lords toughest places. Yea they made it dramatic, but in reality situations, the guy would slash at the dark lord (first the dark lord is powerful enough not to let the guy touch him) and then when he hits the finger, the broken sword will instanltly turn to dust and the dark lord will laugh and all is to a end....yea, atleast they should make the dark lord fall in a more probable way. 5. This is more of an understanding part. Frodo puts on the ring and becomes invisible, where is the dark POWER? How come the dark lord doesn't become invisible? 6. The magicians funny. Goes like this. A shakes staff, B hits wall. B shakes staff, A hits the wall, so on. What the hell are they doing?? Are they playing RPG? I'm sure they are desperate on waiting their bar to fill and regret they didn't put more points in speed....WHAT ARE THEY DOING? It should go like this, A makes B hits the wall, and does it again, and again, and again, and again, and make him spin in the air until his bones shatter, and then make him hit the wall 10 times more...that's realistic fighting if they really have those powers! They are like, "Go hit the wall! Ok, now it's ur turn." And then the bad guy suddenly gets smarter and, best fight I have ever seen. There's some really minor ones that I'm just too tired to talk about them now. We'll move on to the 2nd part. Realized I just watch about 20 minutes of it and I can pick out a few. 1. The Ent tree thing was carrying the 2 halfings for a whole day, and then he suddenly saw all the dead trees and got mad (He should kill humans too), he cried out loud and in 2 seconds the whole Ent race appeared ready for battle. Ummm...if the whole Ent race can appear in 2 seconds, WHAT WAS HE DOING WALKING FOR A WHOLE DAY WITH THE HALFLINGS ON HIS BACK?? Yea, maybe all the Ents were stockers. 2. The elf guy can shoot a orc in the head when it's half a mile away. WHen it really matters, when he should kill the orc with a torch 500 ft away, he shoots the shoulder, and then the other shoulder, and watches the kamakazi succeed.... 3. The dwarf jumped up and landed into the mass of Orcs...who had spears! Does no one know what a spear is for? Maybe they just wanted to make the movie less violent so they don't want to show raw dwarf on a stick..... 4. When they were on the bridge filled with orcs, they rode horses thru the bridge like knife thru butter and the orcs all fell off the bridge. Wait....horses are more powerful than orcs? 1 horce in front can knock aside 30 orcs? Well, maybe they are more powerful, but then WHY DOESN'T THEY JUST TRAIN 1000 HORSEMEN AND JUST CONSTANTLY RIDING BACK AND FORTH, BACK AND FORTH? That way all the orcs will die(if not damage) no? Well, anyways, those are the ones I still remember. Probably lots more. LOTR is really a good movie, but the glitches pulled it down alot, so it can't make my collection.Too too many.... If you can refute me, plz do. I like being convinced wrong, if you actually can. Feel free to e-mail me.

One of the best movies ever - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

The acting the direcion the visuals the script are amazing this is one of my faveite movies ever its better then the two others . the storys very close to the book which i read to go see this movie.

Monday, September 24, 2007

The legend cames to life! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

J.R.R. Tolkien's The lord of the rings is probaly the book of XX century: loved by a lot of people. Tolkien himself said that will be impossible to translate his masterpiece on the screen. It was true becouse in the book there are a lot of enormous battles, fantastic places and strange creatures. It was really impossible! But now Peter Jackson with the modern special effects and technologies do it and the result is a stunning masterpiece: one of the best movie ever made. The fellowship of the ring is the first part of the trilogy: it's only the beginning. The worst movie in the trilogy but also a mastrpiece. The movie starts with a rich prologue which introduce we in the middle earth. This prologue is for me the best part of the movie becouse there is an epic great battle and it is still tragic: a perefect exemple of great cinema. But remember The lord of the rings is a one big movie formed by The fellowship ofu the ring, The two towers, and The return of the king. Don't judge this first movie if you haven't see all the trilogy.

Good lord! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Never, ever in my entire life have I seen a movie so brilliant as this. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring will certainly go down as one of the most memorable films ever to be made in cinematic history. Although a fantasy film, the LOTR: FOTR has a remarkable storyline about good vs. evil. Acting was flawless and the stars were perfectly cast, especially Ian Mckellen and Elijah Wood. I, too, must add that McKellen really deserved his Oscar nomination for this one. Director Peter Jackson certainly outdid himself in all the three LOTR movies, and together with all the mindblowing visual and sound effects, the FOTR makes a beautiful masterpiece as a whole.

The best film i have ever seen! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

One of the great joys of watching movies is that every once in a great while, a film comes along that strikes a chord that resonates in the viewer. As it has for countless others, the films of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy have struck that chord in me. I just finished watching the extended DVD version of Fellowship of the Ring for the ninth or tenth time. Each time I watch it, I enjoy it even more. To me, it's true movie-making magic! Peter Jackson's respect for the material, and the viewer, is clearly evident. Everything about this film, and the other two films as well, is extraordinary. One other person that should receive high praise is the driving force behind the Weta Workshop, Richard Taylor. His company's attention to detail during the film-making process was staggering. All I can say is "Thank You" to all involved in the production of these films for giving us a truly "once in a lifetime" experience.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

One ring to rule them all! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Bravo Lord of the Rings! Bravo! Though i was a bit sceptical of the adaptation of the famous trilogy I was not dissapointed. The acting, visuals, directing, and make up were all superb. First I should say that the movie was an almost perfect adaptation. Though some scenes were altered or cut out they usualy had purpose to do so. Proffesor Tolkien would have been so proud of this masterpiece. The acting was near perfect. The definate highlight of the film was Sir Ian McKellan. His great riveting performance as Gandalf the Grey stole the show. Damn the academy for not giving him his award. Elijah Wood had also a noteworthy performance as the hobbit Frodo. Everyone was great, Viggo Mortensen brings a chilling, dark aura to Aragorn, hier to the throne of Gondor. Also Sean Astin as Sam, and the tragic hero Boromir. You also cant forget John Rhys Davies as the hilarious Gimili. Though Billy Boyd and Domonic Mongham have smaller roles they are eaqually entertaining as the comic relief. Christopher Lee is in the greatest role to date as Sauruman the White. The only actor that dissapoints is Orlando Bloom as Legolas, who seems to be cut out of lines, and has bad line presentation. Another gem is Cate Blanchett as Lady Galadriel, truly freightning and Liv Tyler as Arwen Evenstar. The visual effects were great. Every orc, every elf, every hobbit foot, all so realistic. The makeup and forced perspective were also magnificent. the hobbits and dwarves really look short, and the elves are very pretty. My only complaint other than Legolas is with Frodo. The acting was exccelent, but his scenes wich showed his courage vanished. For example in the flight to the ford Arwen accompanies Frodo and rides Asphalof. In the book Frodo rides alone. Despite this Lord of the Rings is still a great film worth every minute.

Too good for words - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Watching this movie for the first time way back on its opening night was a jaw-dropping experience for me. I hadn't been a long time fan of the books (only a few short months) but I fell in love with them immediately and I was very pleased with PJ's adaptation of them. This is a better adaptation than The Two Towers and I like this one a little better but only because I prefer the more ethereal qualities to this one. This one also has more moments of awe and wonder over the landscapes. It takes time to pour over the caverns of Moria, it reverently admires the Argonath (those tall statues) and plays with us in the Shire. There are also more elves in this movie and I think that they're the best of Tolkien's creation. The action and acting are all superb and I love how actual minitures and people in silly costumes were used instead of fake-looking CGI. Yes, there were computer effects, but minatures and real actors blended with CGI gives the movie a more believable aspect. This is my absolute favourite movie and am eagerly anticipating Return of the King!!

"the lord of the rings" strikes platinum! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

An incredible visual movie with intense action and eye-blowing scenes! Peter Jackson is an incredible director as Ian is a great Gandalf. Elijah Woods is also an excellent actor for Frodo Baggins. Everybody should go watch the heart-pumping J.R.R. Tolkien epic film.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Love it! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I loved every single second of this movie. The actors are awesome, the action, the special affects, and just everything is wonderful. The only movie i like more than this one, is the Two Towers. Definitely worth watching.

Outstanding epic film - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Even though there are some -minor- changes to the book Tolkien wrote, i feel that he would be very happy to watch this film. 3 hours full of action, adventure and drama in the world of fantasy. I could write many things about this movie but i dont have the time. My advice is to watch this movie and read the Tolkien's books. You should love them if there is a child somewhere in you.

The best there is!! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

The best film(s) ever made. I can say that before seeing the next two because they were all made at once so they can only be better on the CGI sequences as even more battle scenes will be included especially in The Return of the King (17,12.2003 !!!). This first part of the trilogy The Fellowship of the Ring is perfect. I actually only accidentally went to see it the day it was released last year because I heard about it but didn't know too much about it. I'm saying this because it makes my opinion unbiased. I was blown away. I didn't know how long it was so after the fellowship leaves Rivendell and they walk over the mountains one by one I thought it was over; at that point I already thought it was excellent maybe a bit short though. The following 90 minutes blew me away. Never had I witnessed cinema in such beauty and perfection. I went and watched it the next day again and 4 more times in the cinema as late as March. I have seen it about 30-40 times and I'm not bored yet. As soon as the screen goes black at the start and Cate Blanchett aka. Galadriel starts talking 'The World is changed, I feel it in the water...', I can not take my eyes of my screen. When Frodo meets Gandalf for the first time, the battle scenes, the cave troll, the Balrog (!), Legolas shooting the arrows (the sound to it is perfect), the scene where the sound goes down because they think Gandalf is dead, the visuals of Lothlorien, the river statues (Aragonath), the scene when Boromir dies and even the very last scene that concludes with '...I'm glad you are with me' are perfection in its purest form. It's a masterpiece and it will never be surpassed by anyone. Years of preparation and filming still going on for the Return of the King paid off for Peter Jackson, little Frodo and all the others involved in this landmark movie. It's not a movie it's art in every way. Cinematography, score, acting etc... everything in it is perfect. As you can see it's not my favourite movie for no reason. Watch it. It's more than worth it even if you are not into fantasy/ action/ romance/thriller/etc..., see what I'm getting at, yes exactly it's all in it, so if you know what's good you gonna like it.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The wonders of middle-earth - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

The film is an astonishing and superb epic tale of good versus evil. Director Peter Jackson delivers the wonders and emotional intensity of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic with such stunning amazement. The movie includes exceptional performances by Viggo Mortensen, Elijah Wood, Cate Blanchett and Ian McKellen as Gandalf. The film also contains amazing special effects, beautiful backgrounds and a rich music score.

Blew my mind! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Truly Brilliant! About a midget who carries jewelery in his pocket, surrounded by people who protect him at all times and danger follows him everywhere, which can only mean one thing: Frodo was the first rap star! That was a joke, and not a very good one, sorry. Anyway, the movie was more than just excellent. Ian McKellan is wonderfull as Gandalf, and it looks like Elijah Wood can finally put his shortness to good use.

Amazing novel, amazing movie - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Lord of the Rings is the best fantasy movie we've seen in some time lacks the action. But hey, the book did too, thats why we go to see The Two Towers and Return of the King. But good for Peter Jackson for adding in the beginning of the two towers with the battle. That way we get more action and the second film wont start confusing you. The Nazguls (Black Riders) are darker and better than I could have pictured them, the orcs are grotesque which fixs them perfectly and mordor is great looking. The massive battles are half CGI same with half the ghouls. The visual effects are very worthy, the team definetly deserved that Oscar. And same with the cinemantography, that was also great. Oscar went into the right hands. This film would have got a A+ but there is a lack of action, so unless your a big fan you may end up getting tired. Because its 3 hours of few battles and more character build up than anything. But what a great build up to an even greater climax. Highly recomended.

Watch it - enjoy it! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Very impressive. Not being a fantasy film fan I actually enjoyed this movie from beginning to end. The special effects and set design meshed beautifully with the actors. By the way, for a bunch of unknowns they delivered an unforgettable performance. Story and plot were strong and entertaining. One can just tell that all those involved in this movie poured their heart and soul into it. Watch it!

One word, wow - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Pros: Compelling story, Beyond perfect direction, revolutionary visuals, highly unique and riveting. Cons: The story is hard to follow for people who haven't read the books. After seeing this movie I knew that I wanted to make movies. Director Peter Jackson's awesome three hour film is the handsomest fantasy film ever made. It is also the smartest and most mind bending. Set and art design are way above par. The acting is stellar. Action sequences are frequent and superbly staged. P.S. Some people say that this movie is boring at parts. I completely disagree with anyone who says this.

Peter jackson best work! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Fantasy styled epic adventure adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien mythical novels. New Line Cinema box-office phenomenon is situated in the visionary world of Middle Earth as it follows the tale of a young hobbit Frodo Baggins [Elijah Wood] who is gifted with a mystical ring by his cousin Bilbo. The plot sets off when Frodo is given the task of destroying the ring in the depths of Mount Doom by the all powerful wizard Gandalf [Ian McKellen]. Frodo journey becomes perilous as the evil sorcerer Lord Sauron sacred lust for the one ring to rule them all, in his everlasting quest for power to grasp Middle Earth. New Zealand Wrtier/Producer/Director Peter Jackson broke all barriers in giving an epic adventure for all featured audience, his direction is impeccably great. Jackson staff in production supports him with the utmost of quality, as all elements in involved is filled with grandeur in filming, as high praises goes to Andrew Lesnie Academy Award winning breathtaking cinematography, Ngila Dickson magnificent costume design and the entire Academy Award winning special effects crew who create a realistic structure of unique quality. Not since George Lucas days of fantasy science fiction has a production been so grand and so highlighted with flawless visual effects all backed with a soap-opera styled ongoing saga of epic proportions. The casting is weakened, but that?s usually expected with huge a production cost, but noted performers is Ian McKellen in his Oscar nominated supporting performance and B-movie 70?s actor Christopher Lee. Peter Jackson work, is a much needed motion picture in an industry that?s stale with redundant storytelling and oblivious to originality in film making, it serves as the perfect answer in kick starting the millenium and saying that maybe Hollywood isn?t quite dead yet. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring is the first installment of a trilogy [The Two Towers-2002, The Return Of The King-2003] which was filmed in a continuous fashion and released annually.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The fellowship of the ring got me hooked - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I had heard once or twice about the lord of the rings before I saw the movie. I really wasn't very interested in seeing it. But, eventually I saw it, and it blew my world. This is definitely in my top ten of movies. I now own the special extended edition DVD and I'm reading the books. It's a great movie for all ages, though it is slightly long. Whether your a middle earth fan already, or you just heard of it somewhere, you'll like this movie. Frodo, Gandolf, and all of the characters and plot will stay in my head for a long time. I hope the rest of this stunning trilogy will be as good as this. Advice to first time Lord of the Rings viewers: watch it twice, you might notice things that you didn't notice before.

Perfect movie - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Never before have I ever seen a movie nearly as accurate at bringing J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece to life. Only Two Towers was better. The rich settings and musical background will throw you straight into the movie. I was especially amazed by the balrog scene. The flame effects on the balrog's body and mouth was absolutely staggering. All of the computer-generated creatures moved very accurately and surpassed those of Star Wars: Special Edition. This movie will leave you hungry for more. I have seen Fellowship and Two Towers 3 times each in theaters and I still haven't had enough. See this movie.

Simply a masterpiece! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Thnx Peter Jackson for giving us one of the best movies ever! The first installment of the trilogy is absolutely perfect! The visuals are mindblowing, the acting is very strong,...& oh yeah, it's a 3hour movie but it really doesn't seem that long. That's how captivating the movie is! This is without a doubt an oscar movie, but know the academy, they'd never give this kind of movie an oscar :-/ The funny thing is that i didn't really like the movie at first, but a friend of mine dragged me along to go & watch it a couple more times & i simply fell in love with the movie. Now it's one of my favourites ever! It's a real masterpiece!

Summary: peter jackson is a god!! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I wasn't going to review this movie. There are hundreds of reviews on it and I frankly wasn't going to waste my time repeating the same words of praise. When I first learned that they were doing these movies, I thought, "Great! Another series of movies I'll hate, modeled after a trilogy of books that I love." Stephen King's work, being a prime example. I love the literary works, and the movies all just die on the screen; be it big or little. Then I learned that Peter Jackson was directing it and I was even less eager to see the movies. I never liked the Frighteners and Meet the Feebles?! Those movies, to me, were less than deplorable. And then I discovered they had no plans of making the prequel; "The Hobbit," and that was that. I wasn't going to like the movie, and I refused to be excited about it. Any of it. But then, I was GIVEN tickets as an early Yule present and so I begrudgingly attended its premier here in the Smokies. I was very pleasantly surprised. I ended up seeing this movie twice in the theaters, and have both editions, the regular and extended, of the movie; one on VHS and the other on DVD, respectively. The opening sequence was so well done, that I couldn't find any reason at all to not accept it. They didn't do "The Hobbit," true enough, but they filled in that time and gave the viewers enough of the beginning that I was able to thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Many critics have literally bashed Peter Jackson's omission of one of the characters in Frodo's party, but the character was hardly relevant to the plot, the storyline, or the story itself and was best left out. I didn't even miss old "what'shisname," to tell you the truth. I do have a problem with Aragorn's character's emotionality in the movie. His character in the book was a seasoned Ranger. His emotional instability; ie: his crying openly scene after scene, is completely out of character. It lends to the storyline with Arwen, and furthers the movie along, true enough, and personally, I didn't mind it. It was just out of character. He's rough, he's tough; a seasoned ranger. He shouldn't have been as emotionally portrayed as Jackson did him. BUT, Jackson's characters were very well developed, the story was very well told. There was a LOT of dialogue, but there was a lot of detail that would've been left out; many, many finer details that never would've been able to be expressed without the richness of dialogue and Jackson and his company saw that, thankfully. All in all, as a Tolkien fan from WAY back, I feel that Peter Jackson did a marvelous job with this, the opening edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It rates so far above, "The Godfather" trilogy (to which it has been compared), that there IS no comparison. The acting is exemplary. There is no stiffness, no badly delivered lines, no hesitation in performance. Sean Astin truly and greatly surprised me with his brilliant performance as SamWise. the scenery and cinematography is brilliant. The sets and scenes are so well done, I never spied a single flaw. The wardrobing and costumes were finely hand-made; treated to look worn and imperfect, as they should and the Shire was so well done, I was as delighted as any child on Yule morning. But the thing which captured me the most and held me spellbound was the casting. They put just the right people into just the right roles. I simply loved the characters.. Each and every one of them felt just like the book (except for the deviation I already mentioned about Aragorn's emotional state). First we had "The Godfather," then we were given the "Star Wars" trilogy and now, we have the Lord of the Rings to love. I look forward with great anticipation to the rest of this series. Thank you, Peter Jackson, for giving of yourself to this extent. It is above and beyond all for which I could have hoped. It gets a full 10 from the Fiend :.

Definetly the movie of the year!!!! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

I loved this film because it felt almost as if you were part of the movie. It felt as if you had known Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin your whole life. I remember thinking that this was going to be this worst movie and it would do horrible because the infamous Harry Potter movies were coming out. When I saw the Harry Potter movies I wondered how anyone could possibly think that they were better than the Lord of the Rings. Middle-Earth was so believable and hardly any detail was missing (except Tom Bombadil and the Barrow-Downs) Anybody whos anyone can find something they love about this movie.

A new cine-myth is born - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Humans cooperate with elves, dwarves, wizards, hobbits and other mythical creatures, to destroy a magical ring being sought after by an ancient evil, in this grandiose screen adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. Elijah Wood is the young hobbit who inherits the ring from an uncle (Ian Holm) who does not fully understand its power. Ian McKellen is the neighborhood wizard who explains it to Wood, launching him on a quest to return the ring to the dark netherworld where it emanated -- the only place where it can be destroyed. Eight companions -- THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING of the film's title -- accompany the hobbit boy on his quest. Eight of them take care of the logistics, which range from intoning magical incantations and reading mystical signs, to fighting off armies of supernatural -- and, superhuman -- creatures. The boy's role is simply to be pure of heart and pass the spiritual tests that he faces as the forces of darkness conspire to entrap the troupe and prevent them from carrying out their mission. LORD OF THE RINGS is a modern tapestry of centuries of Central European myth, folklore, and faerie tales. It harkens back to the lore of Germany's "Black Forest" and the minstrels of the Middle Ages. But, in the thick weave of ancient, mythical symbols of purity, fidelity, and good against evil, is embroidered a moral lesson for our age about resisting the lure of becoming a collaborator with wickedness for the sake of personal advantage or even mere convenience. There is also a sense that the visible world is only a veneer to conceal -- and, at times, to reveal -- an unseen reality that swims deep beneath reality's surface. This, in fact, is part of the story: when the hobbit puts on the ring, he can see, through a sort of mystical x-ray vision, the spiritual world, including the evil spirit hunting after him. The multi-dimensional concept is buttressed and echoed by layers of meaning that remind us that each character personified on the screen is also a metaphor, whose meaning may be developed, like a Polaroid image, from our own interpretation (sometimes, also, at a covert, sub-surface level of our understanding). This occult quality of the story has put off religious fundamentalists, who distrust the unseen workings of a tale based on magic, demons, and wizards. But, confronted head on, the allegory turns out to be a positive, life-affirming saga of friendship, loyalty, and selflessness in the face of a reality greater than one's own existence. There is much to digest, but LORD OF THE RINGS feeds it to us piecemeal, over a three hour course that ranges from thoughtful to suspenseful, building up in action and adventure in the last hour, when the nine companions launch, Holy Grail-like, into the mythical forests, dodging their pursuers while they school themselves in mysticism. The troupe includes the human descendant of a king who unleashed the curse of the ring when he captured the article from the evil Lord, but declined to destroy it. Now, the descendant (Viggo Mortensen) must wonder whether history will repeat itself and he, too, will choke when his moment of truth comes. The end of the first part of the RINGS trilogy (the other two movies are in the can, already) ends abruptly -- but, satisfyingly, because the key questions, about the moral fiber of the movie's characters, have been answered, though mechanical questions about the storyline require us to seek the sequel(s). (Carlos Colorado)