Sunday, September 23, 2007

One ring to rule them all! - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Reviews

Bravo Lord of the Rings! Bravo! Though i was a bit sceptical of the adaptation of the famous trilogy I was not dissapointed. The acting, visuals, directing, and make up were all superb. First I should say that the movie was an almost perfect adaptation. Though some scenes were altered or cut out they usualy had purpose to do so. Proffesor Tolkien would have been so proud of this masterpiece. The acting was near perfect. The definate highlight of the film was Sir Ian McKellan. His great riveting performance as Gandalf the Grey stole the show. Damn the academy for not giving him his award. Elijah Wood had also a noteworthy performance as the hobbit Frodo. Everyone was great, Viggo Mortensen brings a chilling, dark aura to Aragorn, hier to the throne of Gondor. Also Sean Astin as Sam, and the tragic hero Boromir. You also cant forget John Rhys Davies as the hilarious Gimili. Though Billy Boyd and Domonic Mongham have smaller roles they are eaqually entertaining as the comic relief. Christopher Lee is in the greatest role to date as Sauruman the White. The only actor that dissapoints is Orlando Bloom as Legolas, who seems to be cut out of lines, and has bad line presentation. Another gem is Cate Blanchett as Lady Galadriel, truly freightning and Liv Tyler as Arwen Evenstar. The visual effects were great. Every orc, every elf, every hobbit foot, all so realistic. The makeup and forced perspective were also magnificent. the hobbits and dwarves really look short, and the elves are very pretty. My only complaint other than Legolas is with Frodo. The acting was exccelent, but his scenes wich showed his courage vanished. For example in the flight to the ford Arwen accompanies Frodo and rides Asphalof. In the book Frodo rides alone. Despite this Lord of the Rings is still a great film worth every minute.

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